BREEAM ENE 04 Low Carbon Design

BREEAM ENE 04 Low Carbon Design

Three credits are available within BREEAM credit ENE 04, Gladwood are able to assist with the ‘Passive design analysis’ and ‘Low zero carbon feasibility study’ credits.

‘Passive design analysis’ credit is available providing:

  • The proposed building is assessed for thermal comfort (as noted within Hea04 Thermal comfort).
  • The building uses passive design measures to reduce the overall building energy demand, primary energy consumption or CO₂ emissions by at least 5%, in line with the findings of the passive design analysis.

‘Low zero carbon feasibility study’ credit is available providing:

  • A feasibility study has been carried out by the completion of the Concept Design stage by an energy specialist to establish the most appropriate recognised local (on site or near site) low or zero carbon energy sources for the building or development.
  • A local LZC technology has been specified for the building or development in line with the recommendations of this feasibility study.

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